There is something in life called "Social Capital." The people you know; the people who know you and how they know you. Raymond Kirwa : Expert Quite unfortunately, people think or behave like social capital is only needed on weddings and burials. That is why you see someone will not have contacted you in ten years but out of the blue they are sending you a message, "Hello so and so, long time. Btw, next Sunday is my pre-wedding. I need your support."! Social capital is not built overnight; it is reciprocal and does not need money (especially in this virtually connected world) to build. It just needs being sensitive that people have emotions and that you can't sneak into their lives only when you need help. Social capital is massively important and when built and used correctly, it can make a very big difference to one's quality of life. It can save you money, make you money, get you a better job, make things easier and safer, it can save you from...